
Digital Art, Graphic Design, Poetry, Photography and Etsy.


Instagram is where it all began, starting in March of 2020 I was awaiting a early spring break like many. Decided it was the perfect time to share my art, my love for music and bands I've found inspiration from. Began as a fan account for my favorite band, finding my people and expanding who I am. Expimenting with my art, from photo edits on my phone to expanding the screen to digital art and later graphics. Now expressing myself through colors and words by posting some of my poetry. I hope to keep creating and exploring creative outlets.

Similar to my art account I also have a small photography account as well. While I'm no professional and have never taken classes, I still enjoy the art of photography. It's been a small hobby of mine for years and would love to explore this realm of art more in depth.


Small artist turns into a small business. With my tiny etsy shop opened in July of 2023 selling vinyl stickers of my own design. Now offering digital art for PDF Download.